• AF-S4P PFA Lined Plug Valve

AF-S4P PFA Lined Plug Valve

  • Size Range 1/2" - 6"
  • Pressure Rating ANSI 150
  • Body Material Ductile Iron Lined
  • Plug Material 17-4 PH
  • Lining Material 3 - 4mm PFA / FEP

Processing PFA via Injection Molding requires precise heating and cooling control for optimal results, while our lining technique offers greater effectiveness and efficiency compared to conventional Transfer Molding Systems.

PFA Characteristics: PFA is a fluoropolymer co-polymer of tetrafluoroethylene and perfluoroalkoxy monomer, known for:

Excellent mechanical strength

Outstanding dielectric properties

Chemical resistance to solvents and high temperatures (240°C to 260°C)

Design Std. : BS5353

Face to Face : ASME B 16.10 & EN 558-2

Testing Std. : BS6755-1, API 598

Shell - 30 bar (Hydro.)

Seat -  22 bar (Hydro.)

Seat -  6 bar (Air)


Spark test - 100% Spark Test at 10 KVA for all lined parts in contact of fluid

Chemical processing

Petrochemical processing

Environmental hazards

Pulp & paper

Power generation

Demin water plants

Mining & metal refining


Food & beverage

Iron & steel

Sterile systems

Aggressive / corrosive liquids and gases






Hydrochloric acid

Sulfuric acid

Waste acids

HF Acid